Some loosely connected rambling about SL roleplay

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EnglishDamsel's avatar
This weekend I was going to put myself up for a RP slave auction in a sim I've been checking out, but I was too late learning about it and registering and all of the spots are gone. Slave auctions were something I'd never have said yes to at one point, I hate not having any control over who I'm playing with... But the last, and probably only time I got talked into an auction, it turned out really well: I met somebody great and it opened up a lot of RP. If there's something I've learned about roleplay, bondage etc, it's that you regret the risks you didn't take a lot more than the things you tried that turned out badly. (Online at least. I don't really regret declining any invitation I've had to visit somebody's house alone.)

So here I am with my plans changed, telling myself maybe I avoided a painfully awkward experience, maybe I'll find something better to do.

I've been trying to get involved in the "urban" sims again. To be honest I'm still not really sure where I stand on former obsession with a particular superhero character and right now I feel like maybe I said the last thing I needed to say and finally got over it, so, I'm kind of taking a break from superhero RP in general. Maybe the whole thing is kind of weird and regressive and unhealthy, and as far as superheroine-in-peril RP in Second Life goes, anything but one-on-one scenes has been a failed experiment.

And so I come to something I've probably ruminated on before: I'm not sure what's left for me in Second Life RP. A couple of times in the past I had a foothold in a sim via a really good boss/employee relationship with somebody. Those people have all stopped logging in, and I'm sure they had good reasons, but it makes me wonder if Second Life itself is over as a roleplay environment. A lot of sims have closed, and some of them were long past their time, but some of them served a distinct niche and nothing is replacing them.

What I keep thinking is: Maybe people are abandoning SL and doing great RP somewhere else and I just don't know where that is? Seriously, I feel like there's somewhere online people are still doing kidnap/peril RP and I'm just really out of the loop.

Is roleplay just a kids' thing and people grow out of it? I mean, sorry guys, I've seen what passes for roleplay on DeviantArt, and it's just people posting "i kidnap u". (And this comes under frequently asked questions: "Do you roleplay?" Yes, but not on here and probably not how you're thinking.)

And yeah, there are still people on SL, I've still got friends. I can pretty much do a one-off scene whenever I want. But it's not one-offs I'm really looking for right now, I want to do things that matter in terms of a consistent setting.

And maybe this is all just self-pity because obviously there's still kidnap roleplay going on because there's a slave auction going on, I'll just never know exactly how in tune with my interests it would have been.
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EmmaExposed's avatar
I'm one of those who left SL a few years back.  I went back yesterday and.... all my stuff was missing.  None of my clothes worked, and I was a giant gassy cloud of confusion.  I used to have my own bit of land and some coin, and remember fondly chatting with FranciePants, Mistress Ellen, Mistress Carrasco, Agent Knave and many others.  Yesterday, the place was a ghost town.  It all seemed very confusing and unfamiliar.  
I left it originally because my roleplaying had evolved to where most of it was rotating paragraphs in private chat, and it didn't even really matter what 'scene' was going on in front of my eyes.  And I realized I could just as easily do that in IMs and PMs, IMVU and elsewhere.  

Still, I may give this SL 2.0 a look once they iron out all the bugs.